Beeyourconcert organizes House Concerts

How it works

Are You a Musician? Subscribe now!

Are You a Musician? Subscribe now!

Are you a musician and want to join our musical hive? Fill out the form, let us listen to your music and will let you know as soon as possible!

Choose the music for your event!!

Choose the music for your event!!

Choose the musician which more you like from our hive, go and check his availability and we will organize a concert for you!! Enjoy our music!

Make your space available!

Make your space available!

Here you can make available your space and let our musicians play for you! Help us grow our musical hive! Organize the concert you want with us!

Find your Stage!<br> Live Map

Find your Stage!
Live Map

Here you can find our network of places, to play your music in a day off or organize a mini tour! Write us and we will evaluate with you the feasibility!

News (in italian)

La nuova umanita' tra colpa e responsabilita'

A distanza di quasi un mese dall'apertura della Porta Santa che inaugura il Giubileo 2025, ci troviamo di fronte ad una messa in discussione della storia del mondo come fine di un'era. Difficile parlare di santita' in...

Il Risveglio e La Rivolta di Darsi Pace

Buongiorno a tutti, stiamo ultimando la puntata pilota di Beeyourconcert Tv che mette insieme musica, biodiversità, cibo biologico di piccoli produttori locali, turismo e spiritualità. Presto novità...